Merchant Cash Advance
Need a Merchant Cash Advance? Apply Now!
Here at Forsyth Capital Group, we offer many different types of loans to meet various business needs. But if you’re in a hurry and don’t want to go through the traditional loan application process, we offer a convenient alternative. Our merchant cash advance program makes it surprisingly simple to get the money you need as quickly as possible. This program doesn’t require you to put up any collateral. It’s also easy to qualify for a cash advance even if you don’t have the best credit profile.
How a Cash Advance Can Benefit You
A merchant cash advance doesn’t require regular payments each month like a standard loan. Instead, we’ll reserve a small portion of your future credit card sales to repay your cash advance. The process is automated and requires very little effort on your part. Each time a customer buys something from you with a credit card, a small percentage of that sale will return to us. Once your cash advance is fully repaid, we’ll no longer claim a percentage of your credit card sales.
Besides convenience, here are some of the top benefits this program offers:
- No application fees
- Minimal application paperwork
- Quick distribution of funds (usually within seven business days)
- Automated payback terms and no monthly payment requirements
If these benefits sound appealing to you, give us a call. We’ll help you fill out a merchant cash advance so you can get your money as soon as possible.